Johnie & George’s story begins back in 2019, when Johnie was working alongside George’s sister, Christina, developing a new fashion line.
They met a few times but the timing wasn’t quite right... and as George says, he had just returned from Germany and was very focused on building his new business, so any emotional involvement was right off the radar for him at that time....
Of all the people we’ve met and all the places we’ve been we ended up here. Some might call it luck, but I know it was fate. Even if the timing wasn’t right the first time we met, we found our way back to each other because we were meant to be together.
You are my soulmate. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. The one that I tell 500 times a day “I love you” but I always love more.
My beloved Johnie, when we first spoke 5 years ago, we said a standard hello.
I never thought that today I would be standing here in front of you ready to commit for the rest of my life - that you and I will be together in facing everything, joys and sorrows.
I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else because only you and me combined will eventually win in all aspects of life.
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