Our Story

Johnie & George’s story begins back in 2019, when Johnie was working alongside George’s sister, Christina, developing a new fashion line. They met a few times but the timing wasn’t quite right... and as George says, he had just returned from Germany and was very focused on building his new business, so any emotional involvement was right off the radar for him at that time....

The First Move.

Then, at Easter 2020, Johnie sent George some happy Name Day wishes... and that was that... for a while. A few months later though, George needed new sunglasses and remembered that Johnie had started working at an Optics store, so they started messaging back and forward and when George received his new sunglasses, Johnie had slipped a wee handwritten note inside, saying ‘Enjoy’.

And the texting continued from there....

George went on holiday with friends and they would text each other all day long....

The First and Last Disastrous Date.

So, on his return from holiday, George set up a date and they both agree that for some reason it just didn’t work out, the stars were not aligned that day!

However, George’s god-sister Marianna had faith that they had just had a bad start and should give it another go with each other!

Level 1.

See The Levels

Better described by both as:

  • Level 1, ‘non exclusive dating’,
  • Level 2, ‘exclusive dating’,
  • Level 3, ‘living together’,
  • Level 4, ‘getting engaged’,
  • Level 5, ‘marriage!’ and
  • Level 6, ‘married with children’.

The First Kiss.

A week later they found themselves at George’s home cooking dinner, sipping wine and enjoying each other’s company and feeling very relaxed together. 

Feeling like he had missed his chance over dinner, George didn’t pass up his next opportunity and kissed Johnie goodnight when he dropped her off at her door. The first kiss!

The Approval and

Level 2.

The first impression to Johnie’s girlfriends was a success!


9th 2020

They dated casually up until September 9th 2020 which has become a significant date, because on an evening out with Johnie’s girlfriends, who told Johnie that George was perfect for her and don’t do anything stupid to drive him off !....

-here they decided to take their relationship to the next level.

Level 2...

Level 3 and The Cat!

Two months later, they moved to Level 3 with another lockdown imminent, so that they could be together and they have never been apart since. They have even moved to a bigger house now with their amazing puppy substitute cat, Barbarella. They get on so well together and share the happy as well as the more difficult times – they make each other laugh.

George jokes and pranks Johnie all the time, they share a laugh about Johnie’s loud sneezes and yawns! And that once while they were in different rooms, George pretended to need help, and never lets Johnie forget that it took her a whole 5 seconds to come through - he knows because he timed it on his phone.


The Prankster...

Level 4

a prank or...?

The Proposal

December 27th 2021

Oh, and often George will film his pranks at the same time! Johnie says these are usually about annoying her - and on that day after Christmas when she thought George was secretly filming her on the couch.... full of Christmas dinner and made him turn off his phone.... George had only been trying to film the proposal.... oops, a prankster caught out! George proposed romantically the day after Christmas and Johnie says that she was so shocked that she cried nonstop for the next 20 minutes .... (George says half an hour!).

And on that same night - they decided that they were going to get married on their anniversary, so that George could never forget the date or mix it up!

And here they are, standing here today,

at Level 5!

George & Johnie

© copyright George & Johnie 2022 | Powered by

The Levels

Better described by both as:

  • Level 1, ‘non exclusive dating’,
  • Level 2, ‘exclusive dating’,
  • Level 3, ‘living together’,
  • Level 4, ‘getting engaged’,
  • Level 5, ‘marriage!’ and
  • Level 6, ‘married with children’.